Source code for gitmeta

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Check multiple git repositories' status

  git-meta [-dc] [-a|-o|-n|-k|-r|-?|--no-remote] [-t]

  -d, --discover  Look for new git repositories
  -c, --clean     If a non-valid repository is encountered, it is removed from
                  the list
  -a, --all       Display all repositories
  -o, --ok        Display only repositories where everithing is fine
  -n, --nok       Display only repositories where there is something happening
  -k, --ko        Display only repositories where the working tree status is not
  -r, --remote    Display only repositories needing some pushes with their
  --no-remote     List repositories having no remote set
  -?, --unknown   Display only repositories in unknown state
  -t, --terminal  Open terminals for each selected repository
  -h, --help      Show this help
  --version       Display the version of git-meta
  --pdb           Launch debugger when crashing

__version__ = "0.2"

import os
import re
import git
import glob
import logging
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from appdirs import user_cache_dir

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def pm_on_crash(type, value, tb):
    """Exception hook, in order to start pdb when an exception occurs"""
    import pdb
    import traceback

    traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)

class TagStr(str):
    """Tagged strings

    Allow you to decorate a bit your terminal output in a html fashion.
    Of course everything is not ported.


    .. code-block:: python

        TagStr("Hello, I'm a <u>decorated</u> string")
        TagStr("What a coincidence, <color=green>me too</color>")

    _shell = {
        "bold": ["\033[1m", "\033[21m"],
        "b": ["\033[1m", "\033[21m"],
        "underlined": ["\033[4m", "\033[24m"],
        "u": ["\033[4m", "\033[24m"],
        "reverse": ["\033[7m", "\033[27m"],
        "color": {
            "default": "\033[39m",
            "end": "\033[39m",
            "black": "\033[30m",
            "darkred": "\033[31m",
            "darkgreen": "\033[32m",
            "darkyellow": "\033[33m",
            "darkblue": "\033[34m",
            "darkmagenta": "\033[35m",
            "darkcyan": "\033[36m",
            "darkgray": "\033[90m",
            "gray": "\033[37m",
            "red": "\033[91m",
            "green": "\033[92m",
            "yellow": "\033[93m",
            "blue": "\033[94m",
            "magenta": "\033[95m",
            "cyan": "\033[96m",
            "white": "\033[97m",
        "end": "\033[0m",

    def __add__(self, elem):
        """Concatenation handling

        >>> a = TagStr("Hello ")
        >>> b = "World"
        >>> type(a+b) is TagStr
        >>> c = TagStr("World")
        >>> type(a+c) is TagStr
        >>> a + 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: TagStr concatenate only with str or TagStr
        if not isinstance(elem, (str, self.__class__)):
            raise TypeError("TagStr concatenate only with str or TagStr")

        return self.__class__(str(self) + str(elem))

    def __radd__(self, elem):
        """Concatenation handling

        >>> a = "World"
        >>> b = TagStr("Hello ")
        >>> type(a+b) is TagStr
        >>> c = TagStr("World")
        >>> type(c+b) is TagStr
        >>> 1 + b
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: TagStr concatenate only with str or TagStr
        if not isinstance(elem, (str, self.__class__)):
            raise TypeError("TagStr concatenate only with str or TagStr")

        return self.__class__(str(elem) + str(self))

    def shell(self):
        >>> test_str = TagStr('Here is a <u>test</u> string')
        >>> test_str
        'Here is a <u>test</u> string'
        'Here is a \\x1b[4mtest\\x1b[24m string'

            str: Convert the tags to a decorated shell output.
        text = str(self)
        for tag, code in self._shell.items():
            if isinstance(code, dict):

                closing = self._shell["end"]

                # Determination of the closing tag
                if "end" in code.keys():
                    closing = self._shell[tag]["end"]

                for tag2, code2 in code.items():
                    regex = re.compile(
                        r"(<{0}={1}>)(.*?)(</{0}>)".format(tag, tag2), re.DOTALL
                    text = regex.sub(r"{0}\2{1}".format(code2, closing), text)
                regex = re.compile(r"(<{0}>)(.*?)(</{0}>)".format(tag), re.DOTALL)
                if isinstance(code, list):
                    text = regex.sub(r"{0}\2{1}".format(*code), text)
                    text = regex.sub(r"{0}\2{1}".format(code, self._shell["end"]), text)
        return text

    def empty(self):
        >>> test_str = TagStr('Here is a <u>test</u> string')
        >>> test_str
        'Here is a <u>test</u> string'
        >>> test_str.empty()
        'Here is a test string'

            str: Refined string without tags
        regex = re.compile(r"(<.*?>)")
        return regex.sub("", self)

[docs]class Repo(git.Repo): """Class representing a repository. Allows to perform common git commands """
[docs] def remote_diff(self): """For each branch with a remote counterpart, give the number of commit difference Returns: dict: keys -> branch name values -> number """ diffs = {} for branch in self.branches: if branch.tracking_branch() is not None: remote = branch.tracking_branch() base = self.merge_base(branch, remote)[0] # From base to local branch count_desc = len( list( self.iter_commits( "{}..{}".format(base.hexsha, branch.commit.hexsha) ) ) ) # From base to remote branch count_asc = len( list( self.iter_commits( "{}..{}".format(base.hexsha, remote.commit.hexsha) ) ) ) # Express remote difference in the '__git_ps1' fashion if count_asc or count_desc: if count_asc and count_desc: count = "{0}-{1}".format(count_desc, count_asc) elif count_desc: count = str(count_desc) else: count = str(-count_asc) diffs[] = count return diffs
[docs] def has_remote(self): """ Return: bool: True if the repository has a remote branch defined for at least local branch """ for branch in self.branches(): if branch.tracking_branch() is not None: return True else: return False
[docs] def stashed(self): """List stashes Returns: bool: True if there is stashed modifications """ return len(self.git.stash("list")) > 0
[docs] def statusline(self, line_width=80): """Create the status line for the selected repository. Returns: string: Status line as used by git-meta """ form = {"filler": "", "more": []} max_path_len = line_width - 30 template = " {path} {filler}{more} {status}" if self.bare: form["path"] = self.path form["more"] = "" form["status"] = "[<color=yellow>BARE</color>]" else: if len(self.working_dir) <= max_path_len + 3: form["path"] = self.working_dir else: form["path"] = "..." + self.working_dir[-max_path_len:] if not self.is_dirty(): form["status"] = "[ <color=green>OK</color> ]" else: form["status"] = "[ <color=red>KO</color> ]" remote_diff = self.remote_diff() if remote_diff: form["more"] = ["%s:%s" % tuple(x) for x in remote_diff.items()] if self.stashed(): form["more"].append("<color=yellow>stash</color>") if len(form["more"]): form["more"] = "(" + ",".join(form["more"]) + ")" else: form["more"] = "" line = TagStr(template.format(**form)) form["filler"] = " " * (line_width - len(line.empty())) line = TagStr(template.format(**form)) return
[docs]class Meta(object): """Class handling the repositories database""" def __init__(self): self.repolist = [] self._define_paths() # Load the database file try: self.read_list() except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): def _define_paths(self): cache = user_cache_dir("gitmeta", "gitmeta") # Default locations self.config = { "repolist": os.path.join(cache, "repolist.txt"), "ignorelist": os.path.join(cache, "ignore.txt"), "scanroot": os.environ["HOME"], } # Parsing of the global config file try: global_config = git.config.GitConfigParser(config_level="global") except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): pass else: if global_config.has_section("meta"): for k, v in global_config.items("meta"): self.config[k] = v
[docs] def read_list(self): """Read the database file to extract the paths of previously scanned repositories """ with open(self.config["repolist"]) as repolist_f: self.repolist =
[docs] def discover(self): """Scan the subfolders to discover repositories""" try: with open(self.config["ignorelist"]) as ignore_file: ignorelist = except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): ignorelist = [] repolist = [] print( "Discovery of repositories in {0} sub-directories".format( self.config["scanroot"] ) ) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.config["scanroot"]): if root in ignorelist: # we also want to ignore every subfolder del dirs[:] continue # Check for globing pattern match to ignore for ignore_path in ignorelist: if glob.has_magic(ignore_path) and glob.fnmatch.fnmatch( root, ignore_path ): del dirs[:] continue if ".git" in dirs or "config" in files: # It looks like a repository, but is it? try: repo = Repo(root) except git.exc.GitError: # This is not a valid git repository continue else: # Success !! repolist.append(repo.working_dir) # In case of found repository it's not necessary # to digg deeper. # Thus, we avoid the struggle of handling submodules # which are perfectly managed by the base repository. del dirs[:] self._write_repolist(repolist) # Force the content of the repolist to the newly made self.repolist = sorted(set(repolist))
def _write_repolist(self, repolist): """Writing all the repositories discovered to the database file for future utilisation Args: repolist (list of str) """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.config["repolist"]), exist_ok=True) with open(self.config["repolist"], "w+") as repofile: repofile.write("\n".join(repolist)) def iter(self, clean=False, filter_status=None): for path in self.repolist: try: repo = Repo(path) except pygit2.GitError: errstr = TagStr( "<color=red>The directory\n %s\nis not a valid repository." % path ) if clean: errstr += " Discarded</color>" else: errstr += " Use the option --clean to discard it.</color>" print( if clean: repolist = self.repolist[:] repolist.remove(path) self._write_repolist(repolist) else: if ( filter_status in (None, "all") or (filter_status == "OK" and not repo.is_dirty()) or (filter_status == "KO" and repo.is_dirty()) or (filter_status == "remote" and repo.remote_diff()) or (filter_status == "no-remote" and not repo.has_remote()) or ( filter_status == "NOK" and (repo.is_dirty() or repo.remote_diff() or repo.stashed()) ) ): yield repo
[docs] def scan(self, clean=False, filter_status=None): """Scan all the repositories in the database for their statuses Args: clean (bool): If True, remove any unvalid repository from the watched list filter_status (str): Only return repositiries having the given status. Usable status are "OK", "KO", "remote", "NOK" and "all" """ try: _, column = os.popen("stty size", "r").read().split() line_width = int(column) except Exception: line_width = 80 for repo in self.iter(clean=clean, filter_status=filter_status): print(repo.statusline(line_width))
def terminal(self, filter_status=None): for repo in self.iter(filter_status=filter_status): subprocess.Popen( ["gnome-terminal", "--working-directory", repo.working_dir], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, )
def main(): # pragma: no cover """Main ``git-meta`` script function """ import sys from docopt import docopt if "--pdb" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--pdb") func = pm_on_crash args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) # print(args) filter_status = "NOK" # default behaviour if args["--all"]: filter_status = "all" elif args["--ok"]: filter_status = "OK" elif args["--nok"]: filter_status = "NOK" elif args["--ko"]: filter_status = "KO" elif args["--remote"]: filter_status = "remote" elif args["--unknown"]: filter_status = "?" elif args["--no-remote"]: filter_status = "no-remote" meta = Meta() if args["--discover"]: meta.scan(filter_status=filter_status, clean=args["--clean"]) if args["--terminal"]: meta.terminal(filter_status=filter_status)